Candidate Obama with Jackie Wright

An Email Exhange on the Road to the White House
April 7, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
I just want to say “Look What the Lord Has Done!” When I woke up yesterday morning, Sunday, I had no idea that before the day was over I would meet the next President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. I was invited to be a guest at a $2,500 per person reception in Kentfield, in Marin County, the richest county in California, possibly the nation.
As I walked toward the gorgeous home with, Dr. Ramona Tascoe, Darryl and Gavin, a woman who was standing with a crowd across the street walked up to us and said “We love Barack. My son is in Iraq would you ask Barack to say hello to us when he leaves.” I nodded yes, and said ok, ok. As I walked in the driveway I wondered how in the world was I going to keep my word and why had I said yes? I had had no intention of approaching Obama. I just wanted to see him.
The Lord gave me the presence of mind to ask a questions as Obama was getting near the end of his question and answer period. I began raising my hand going from the left to the right as I tired, but never putting my hand down. So he said “this is the last question” and began looking to see whom he’d call on and people in the crowd began pointing to me because I had had my hand up so long (as the Bible says the hand of the diligent shall rule!). So he pointed to me.
“My name is Jackie Wright, no relation to Dr. Jeremiah Wright, except by the Spirit. There is a mother out front whose son is in Iraq. She says she loves you and would you stop by and say hello when you leave. Your comments on Iraq…And…” He interrupted me and asked “how many questions are you going to squeeze in?” “As many as I can,” I responded…”Would you join Oprah Winfrey June 15th at Stanford University as She is being honored?” (More details on the project headed by Darryl Obama Provost to come).
He commented on Iraq; but for me the highlight was his action. About half an hour after he had left, I found out that he indeed stopped and spoke to the people standing outside and signed the cap of Mrs. Noreen Kennedy’s son. When God gave me the courage to speak up for her I had no idea that her name was Kennedy, that her son a 27 year old Captain was on his second tour of 15 months and that he was in the 101st Airborne. Nor did I know she was an immigrant from Ireland who had become a citizen to vote for Barack Obama.
Those close to me know the sensitivity I have around soldiers and their families with my father having served in the 114th Aviation Company in Viet Nam, dying while on his last mission as honor guard for then Secretary of War, Robert S. McNamara, two weeks from coming home. I felt compelled to get the message to Obama.
In the email below you will find Mrs. Kennedy’s remarks to me and the photos of Barack Obama taking a “Jesus moment” “caring for the least of these my brothers.” No one had to throw a rock at his car to stop him (per that popular email). He took the time to care.
You may get another email with a photo of Mrs. Kennedy and me when I get mine developed which may include the picture of me being chided by Barack for trying to pose with him as I shook his hand after he had said he didn’t have time to pose. Since I couldn’t get all my questions in, I at least wanted a posed photo and not just a candid.
There are a lot of historical things going on. Check out www.sfexodus.com for instance. Wow, its been an inspired weekend for me beginning with the prayer luncheon at the Miracles of Faith Church with Reverend Greg Brown as pastor, commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; speaking on Saturday to Dr. Terecita Dean’s students, “Kids on the Move America” about Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and Dr. King's "I have Been to the Mountain Top" speeches in the newly renovated Victorian in Alameda that once housed the Red Cross where I worked; and Sunday, meeting Barack Obama as a result of being the messenger for Mrs. Kennedy! As the Bible says “God is not a respecter of persons. What He does for one He’ll do for others.” I hope this encourages you in every way. Everyday God gives us gifts that we don’t plan for or deserve. Today is a gift! Make the most of it. Expect the unexpected!

Mrs. Noreen Kennedy thanks Jackie Wright
for delivering a message to Candidate Obama
> Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 19:13:18 -0700
> From: noreen2045@yahoo.com
> Subject: Fwd: You & Obama
> To: 1jackiewright@msn.com
> Hi Jackie, I'm the lady that you asked Barack to come talk to. Someone took pictures which just added to what was already an amazing day. I can't thank you enough, not knowing who I was, for taking the time to ask your question. My son always says "the American people have forgotten them" but I'll have a story to tell him that's not true. Lovely to have met your happy smiley face. Sincerely, Noreen Kennedy
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> Noreen Kennedy

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